Mesin Fotocopy Baru

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Mesin Fotocopy Rekondisi Ex Luar Negeri.

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

error602 - 003

Canon iR - error 602 -003 Your hard disk needs to be replaced!! E602-003 is a bad sector read on the hdd, if you restart the machine it may work for a while but it WILL come back. You need canon part number WM2-5230-000 (not sure how you would get it) it needs to be installed in the back of the machine at the top of the main body after the back cover has been removed.. Once this is done you dilemma begins, Canon uses a program called "service support tool (SST)" which is only a canon issued program, this program is the tool used to update...

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Canon iR ADVANCE C2020

The multifunction imageRUNNER ADVANCE C2020 gives you the features you need and more, with lower investment, to complement your office needs. Output speed: 20 ppm mono / 20 ppm colour Multi-function network device: copy, print and scan Direct USB support for print and scan Images Advance multifunction device  With the new imageRUNNER ADVANCE C2020, you can copy, print and scan with support for send...